nimisõna “fund”
ainsus fund, mitmus funds või loendamatu
- fond (rahasumma, mis on säästetud või eraldatud kindlaks otstarbeks)
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
The community set up a fund to raise money for the new playground.
- fond (organisatsioon, mis haldab investeerimiseks mõeldud rahakogumit)
After consulting her financial advisor, she invested in an international fund to diversify her portfolio.
- varu
With his fund of knowledge on the subject, he was the perfect candidate to lead the seminar.
tegusõna “fund”
infinitiiv fund; ta funds; minevik funded; mineviku kesks. funded; ger. funding
- rahastama
The government agreed to fund the construction of the new hospital in the city center.
- fondi paigutama (raha)
She automatically funds her retirement account each month to prepare for the future.