dream (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn, lýsingarorð

Nafnorð “dream”

sg. dream, pl. dreams or uncountable
  1. draumur
    Last night, I had a dream where I could fly over the city like a superhero.
  2. draumur (markmið eða ósk)
    His dream is to travel the world and experience different cultures.
  3. óraunhæfur draumur
    Her latest business idea seemed like a dream, too good to be true.

sögn “dream”

dream; he dreams; past dreamed, dreamt, part. dreamed, dreamt; ger. dreaming
  1. að dreyma
    I often dream about being on a deserted island, far away from the noise of the city.
  2. að dreyma um (að eitthvað gerist)
    Every night before bed, she dreams of winning the lottery and buying a mansion.
  3. að dagdreyma
    During the long meeting, he couldn't help but dream about his upcoming vacation.
  4. að íhuga (möguleika á einhverju æskilegu)
    After the misunderstanding, she said, "I wouldn't dream of accusing you falsely."

lýsingarorð “dream”

dream, non-gradable
  1. drauma- (notað sem forskeyti, t.d. draumabíll)
    They described their vacation in the Bahamas as a dream experience, with perfect weather and beautiful beaches.