
access (EN)
főnév, ige

főnév “access”

egyesszám access, megszámlálhatatlan
  1. hozzáférés
    Only authorized personnel have access to the restricted area during construction.
  2. bejárat
    The only access to the castle is through the main gate, which is heavily guarded.
  3. hozzáférés (számítógépes rendszerhez)
    He forgot his password and couldn't get access to his email account to check his messages.
  4. Láthatás (annak a joga, hogy a nem gondviselő szülő meglátogathassa a gyermekét)
    The court granted her ex-husband access to their son on weekends after their divorce.

ige “access”

infinitív access; ő accesses; múlt idő accessed; befejezett múlt accessed; gerundium accessing
  1. belép
    Firefighters had to access the building through a window because the doors were blocked.
  2. hozzáfér (adatokhoz)
    She accessed the confidential files on the server remotely from her home office.