اسم “access”
مفرد access، غیرقابل شمارش
- دسترسی
ثبتنام کنید تا ترجمههای جملات نمونه و تعاریف تکزبانه هر کلمه را ببینید.
Only authorized personnel have access to the restricted area during construction.
- راه ورود
The only access to the castle is through the main gate, which is heavily guarded.
- دسترسی (به سیستم یا شبکه کامپیوتری)
He forgot his password and couldn't get access to his email account to check his messages.
- حق ملاقات (حق والد غیرحضانتکننده برای دیدار با فرزند خود)
The court granted her ex-husband access to their son on weekends after their divorce.
فعل “access”
مصدر access؛ او accesses؛ گذشته accessed؛ اسم مفعول accessed؛ اسم مصدر accessing
- وارد شدن
Firefighters had to access the building through a window because the doors were blocked.
- دسترسی پیدا کردن (به داده یا اطلاعات)
She accessed the confidential files on the server remotely from her home office.