verb “shed”
infinitive shed; he sheds; past tense shed; past part. shed; ger. shedding
- to lose or let fall naturally; to discard something no longer needed
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Snakes shed their skin regularly as they grow.
- to get rid of something unwanted or unnecessary
He is trying to shed some weight before the competition.
- to cause to flow or release something, especially tears or blood
She shed tears of joy when she heard the good news.
- to emit or radiate (light, heat, etc.)
The lamp sheds enough light to read by.
- (slang) to practice playing music intensely to improve one's skills
The guitarist spent hours shedding before the concert.
noun “shed”
singular shed, plural sheds
- a small structure used for storage or shelter
He keeps his gardening tools in the shed at the back of the house.
- (UK) a large industrial building used for storage or maintenance
The aircraft was stored in a shed.