
protection (EN)

noun “protection”

singular protection, plural protections or uncountable
  1. the act or state of keeping someone or something safe from harm
    The vaccine provides protection against the virus.
  2. something that keeps someone or something safe
    The shelter is a protection from the storm.
  3. a condom
    He always carries protection to be responsible.
  4. (insurance) the coverage provided by an insurance policy (without actually being able to prevent the act)
    She purchased travel insurance that includes protection against theft.
  5. (euphemistic) the illegal act of not harming someone in exchange for payment
    The store owner paid had to pay protection money to the mob.
  6. (economics) government policies that limit foreign competition to support domestic industries
    The country uses tariffs as protection for its farmers.
  7. (computing) a security measure that controls access to a file or resource
    The software has built-in protection against malware.