ot “protection”
yakka protection, koʻplik protections yoki sanalmaydigan
- himoya
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
The vaccine provides protection against the virus.
- Himoya (kimnidir yoki nimanidir xavfsiz saqlaydigan narsa)
The shelter is a protection from the storm.
- prezervativ
He always carries protection to be responsible.
- sug'urta qoplamasi
She purchased travel insurance that includes protection against theft.
- "himoya" (to'lov evaziga zarar yetkazmaslik)
The store owner paid had to pay protection money to the mob.
- protektsionizm
The country uses tariffs as protection for its farmers.
- himoya (fayl yoki resursga kirishni nazorat qilish)
The software has built-in protection against malware.