pʰɚˈfɔːrm US pʰəˈfɔːm UK

perform (EN)

verb “perform”

infinitive perform; he performs; past tense performed; past part. performed; ger. performing
  1. to carry out an action or task; to do something
    The surgeon performed a complicated operation to save the patient's life.
  2. to act, dance, or sing in front of an audience
    The famous actor will perform in the new play at the theater downtown.
  3. to function (well or badly)
    Despite its age, the old car still performs very well.
  4. (of a man) to be able to engage in sexual activity
    The doctor asked if he was able to perform with no difficulties.
  5. (law) to fulfill one's contractual obligations
    Under the agreement, the contractor is required to perform by the end of the month.