verb “jog”
infinitive jog; he jogs; past tense jogged; past part. jogged; ger. jogging
- to move at a slow run for exercise
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She jogs by the river every evening to clear her head.
- to push or nudge slightly
He jogged his friend's elbow to remind him it was time to leave.
- to stir or rouse someone's memory or attention
Scanning old photos can often jog your memory of past vacations.
- to cause someone or something to move at a slow, energetic trot
He gently jogged the horse around the arena to warm it up.
- to straighten a stack of papers by lightly tapping them
She jogged the sheets on the table before handing them out.
noun “jog”
singular jog, plural jogs
- an energetic trot, slower than a run, often used for exercise
She goes for a quick jog around her neighborhood every morning to stay fit.
- a sudden push or nudge
He felt a jog on his arm, prompting him to hand over the microphone.
- (theater) a flat placed perpendicularly to break up a flat surface
The crew added a jog onstage to create an angled corner for the set design.
- (card tricks) a playing card that protrudes slightly from the deck as a performer’s aid
By leaving a small jog, the magician could easily locate the chosen card.