
interested (EN)

This word can also be a form of:
interest (verb)

adjective “interested”

base form interested (more/most)
  1. (with "in") having or showing curiosity, attention or attraction to something
    She was so interested in the documentary that she watched it twice in one day.
  2. (with "to" + a verb of perception) having the intention to hear, see, or find out
    I'd be interested to find out who did it.
  3. (in the past tense + "to" + a verb of perception) finding the provided information interesting
    She was interested to hear about what happened.
  4. having the possibility of benefiting from a situation
    As an interested party, I did not participate in the decision.
  5. having an ownership stake in a business or property
    All interested shareholders attended the meeting to vote on the merger.