adjective “initial”
base form initial, non-gradable
- occurring at the beginning; first
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She was nervous during the initial interview but relaxed later on.
- placed at the beginning; at the start, especially of a word
The initial letter of 'banana' is 'b'.
noun “initial”
singular initial, plural initials
- the first letter of a name or word
He inscribed his middle initial on the ring.
- a large decorative letter at the beginning of a text
Medieval manuscripts often include ornate initials.
- (phonology) the sound at the beginning of a syllable before the vowel
The “t” in “top” is an initial.
verb “initial”
infinitive initial; he initials; past tense initialed us, initialled uk; past part. initialed us, initialled uk; ger. initialing us, initialling uk
- to mark or sign with one's initials, especially to indicate approval
Please initial each page of the agreement to confirm you have read it.