between (EN)

præposition “between”

  1. imellem
    The park is located between the river and the library.
  2. mellem
    The temperature today is expected to be between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. mellem
    We'll have lunch between noon and 1 PM.
  4. mellem (i betydningen af gensidig handling eller forhold)
    The secret was shared between the two sisters.
  5. mellem (skal holdes hemmeligt)
    Just between us, I heard that Sarah is planning to move to Canada next year.
  6. imellem
    The path winds between the forest and the lake, offering stunning views.
  7. mellem (resultat af fælles indsats)
    Between the two of them, they managed to finish the project on time.
  8. mellem (valg skal træffes fra de angivne muligheder)
    You can pick between chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
  9. under hensyntagen til (den kombinerede effekt af)
    Between the warm weather and the great company, our picnic was an absolute success.