the (EN)
article, adverbi, preposició

article “the”

  1. l'article definit
    The cat sat on the windowsill, basking in the sunlight.
  2. el/la (use "el" before masculine nouns and "la" before feminine nouns; for example, "el millor" for "the best" when masculine and "la millor" when feminine)
    He was the first, i.e. the best.
  3. els/les (use "els" before masculine plural nouns and "les" before feminine plural nouns; for example, "els rics" for "the rich" when referring to a group of rich people)
    The rich and the poor have very different life experiences.

adverbi “the”

  1. com més... més (this is a fixed expression in Catalan that translates the idea of "the more... the more...")
    The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.

preposició “the”

  1. a
    Gasoline was sold at four dollars the gallon.