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the (EN)
maqola, ravish, oldinlov

maqola “the”

aniq artikl the
  1. aniq maqola
    The cat sat on the windowsill, basking in the sunlight.
  2. eng (masalan, "eng yaxshisi" - "the best")
    He was the first, i.e. the best.
  3. barcha (masalan, "barcha kattalar" - "the adults")
    The rich and the poor have very different life experiences.

ravish “the”

the (more/most)
  1. qancha...shuncha (masalan, "qancha koʻp oʻqisang, shuncha koʻp bilasan" - "the more you read, the more you know")
    The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.

oldinlov “the”

  1. har
    Gasoline was sold at four dollars the gallon.