ˈʃɑːpɪŋ US ˈʃɒpɪŋ UK

shopping (EN)

Aquesta paraula també pot ser una forma de:
shop (verb)

nom “shopping”

singular shopping, plural shoppings o invariable
  1. les compres
    Jessica spent the afternoon shopping for a new dress for her friend's wedding.
  2. articles que s'han comprat
    Mark showed his friends all the shopping he had done, including a new jacket and some video games.
  3. l'oferta comercial
    The new mall offers excellent shopping with its wide variety of stores and restaurants.
  4. l'enviament a reparar (enviament d'equips o maquinària per a reparació o restauració extensiva)
    The old locomotive is due for shopping after years of reliable service on the tracks.