nɑːtʃ US nɒtʃ UK

notch (EN)
nom, verb

nom “notch”

singular notch, plural notches o invariable
  1. nivell
    Her cooking skills have gone up a notch since she started culinary school.
  2. escaire (per a una tallada específica o com a marca)
    He carved a notch in the wooden stick for every day they were stranded on the island.
  3. escotxa (a la part superior de la pantalla d'un mòbil)
    The new smartphone model has a smaller notch at the top, allowing for a larger display area.

verb “notch”

infinitiu notch; ell notches; passat notched; part. pass. notched; ger. notching
  1. assolir
    She notched another victory in her belt by winning the chess tournament.
  2. fer una escaire
    She notched the stick every time she finished reading a book, creating a visual record of her accomplishment.