simple (EN)

pridjev “simple”

simple, simpler, simplest
  1. jednostavan
    The instructions for the game are simple; even a child can understand them.
  2. osnovan (u smislu bez dodatnih karakteristika)
    She wore a simple black dress with no jewelry for the interview.
  3. pravi (u smislu istinski ili tačno onakav kakav se tvrdi da jeste)
    It's a simple case of mistaken identity, nothing more.
  4. običan (u smislu bez posebnog društvenog statusa ili položaja)
    He was a simple farmer, content with his life in the countryside.
  5. prost (u gramatičkom smislu, za vremena bez pomoćnog glagola)
    In English, "he walks" is an example of the simple present tense.