simple (EN)

sifat “simple”

simple, simpler, simplest
  1. oddiy
    The instructions for the game are simple; even a child can understand them.
  2. soddalashtirilgan (bu yerda "soddalashtirilgan" so'zi "basic, plain, and without extra features" ma'nosini anglatuvchi "simple" so'zining o'zbekcha ekvivalenti sifatida ishlatilmoqda)
    She wore a simple black dress with no jewelry for the interview.
  3. haqiqiy (bu ma'noda "simple" so'zini "haqiqiy" deb tarjima qilish mumkin, chunki bu kontekstda "simple" so'zi narsani o'zining da'vo qilingan holatida ekanligini ta'kidlash uchun ishlatiladi)
    It's a simple case of mistaken identity, nothing more.
  4. oddiy (ijtimoiy maqom yoki lavozimni anglatmaydigan holatda)
    He was a simple farmer, content with his life in the countryside.
  5. yordamchi fe'l ishtirokisiz (bu yerda "simple" so'zining "verb tenses" bilan bog'liq ma'nosi uchun "yordamchi fe'l ishtirokisiz" iborasi ishlatilmoqda, bu esa o'zbek tilida yordamchi fe'lsiz shakllangan fe'l zamonlarini anglatadi)
    In English, "he walks" is an example of the simple present tense.