
spent (EN)

يمكن أن تكون هذه الكلمة أيضًا شكلًا من:
spend (فعل)

صفة “spent”

spent, non-gradable
  1. مُستَهلَك
    After hiking all day in the mountains, they were completely spent and needed to rest.
  2. مُنهَك (بعد وضع البيض)
    The salmon become spent after their arduous journey upstream to lay eggs.
  3. مُلغى (في سياق قانون أو وثيقة قانونية)
    Once the new law came into effect, the previous regulations were considered spent.
  4. (في المملكة المتحدة، فيما يتعلق بالإدانة الجنائية) لم يعد يظهر في السجل الجنائي للشخص
    After the required time had passed, his spent convictions no longer appeared on background checks.