
disposition (EN)

اسم “disposition”

sg. disposition, pl. dispositions or uncountable
  1. مزاج
    Despite the challenges, she always had a cheerful disposition.
  2. ميل
    His disposition to help others made him beloved in the community.
  3. ترتيب
    The manager reviewed the disposition of the products on the store shelves.
  4. سيطرة
    She has full disposition of the funds for the project.
  5. تسوية (في القانون)
    The court's disposition of the case ended a long legal battle.
  6. نقل الملكية (في القانون)
    The will specified the disposition of his assets to his family.
  7. تخطيط الرعاية (في الطب)
    The doctor discussed the patient's disposition following discharge.