noun “disposition”
Singular disposition, Plural dispositions oder onzieleg
- Charakter
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
Despite the challenges, she always had a cheerful disposition.
- Neigung
His disposition to help others made him beloved in the community.
- Uerdnung
The manager reviewed the disposition of the products on the store shelves.
- Besëtz
She has full disposition of the funds for the project.
- Ofschloss (juristesch)
The court's disposition of the case ended a long legal battle.
- Iwwerdroung (juristesch)
The will specified the disposition of his assets to his family.
- Entloossungsplang
The doctor discussed the patient's disposition following discharge.