
boarding (EN)

يمكن أن تكون هذه الكلمة أيضًا شكلًا من:
board (فعل)

اسم “boarding”

sg. boarding, pl. boardings or uncountable
  1. الصعود
    The boarding of the plane will begin in ten minutes.
  2. الإقامة (في مدرسة داخلية أو بيت ضيافة)
    She opted for boarding during her first year at the university.
  3. ألواح خشبية
    The old shed was built from weathered boarding.
  4. اقتحام السفينة
    The pirates prepared for boarding as they closed in on the merchant vessel.
  5. دفع اللاعب إلى الألواح
    He was sent to the penalty box for boarding.
  6. التزلج على اللوح
    They spent the afternoon boarding at the skate park.