should (EN)

助动词 “should”

should, negative shouldn't
  1. 用于指示应该做什么。
    You should brush your teeth twice a day.
  2. 用来提供友好的建议
    You should try the chocolate cake; it's delicious.
  3. (用于像“see”或“hear”这样的动词后)用来指出某事令人印象深刻或值得注意
    You should hear her sing; it's like listening to an angel.
  4. 用来征询关于应采取何种正确行动的建议
    Should we call a doctor for advice?
  5. 表达了某事被期待为真的情况
    They should be at home by now.
  6. 万一(表示一种假设的条件)
    Should you see him, tell him to call me.
  7. 动词 "shall" 的简单过去时在时态序列中。
    I shall visit my grandmother tomorrow. I said I should visit her tomorrow.