ot “mother”
birlik mother, koʻplik mothers
- ona
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
Her mother taught her how to cook.
- homilador ayol
Expectant mothers should receive proper care.
- manba (kelib chiqish)
They say that necessity is the mother of invention.
- Bakteriyalardan tashkil topgan va fermentatsiya jarayonida, masalan, sirka tayyorlashda hosil bo'ladigan modda.
She added some mother to start the vinegar fermentation.
- ona (oʻzining turida eng katta yoki eng ekstremal boʻlgan narsani anglatadi)
They faced the mother of all storms.
- ona (diniy jamoa yetakchisi)
Mother Superior led the convent with kindness.
- (slang, evfemizm) "onangni" so'zining qisqartmasi; so'kinish sifatida ishlatiladi
He shouted "Mother!" after stubbing his toe.
feʼl “mother”
infinitive mother; u mothers; oʻtgan zamon mothered; oʻtgan zamon part. mothered; ger. mothering
- ona kabi g'amxo'rlik qilish
She mothered the orphaned child as if he were her own.
- Bola tugʻish yoki tarbiyalash.
She mothered three children while working full-time.
- Fermentatsiya qilinayotgan suyuqliklarda hosil bo'ladigan modda, onani o'z ichiga olishga sabab bo'lish.
He mothered the cider to make vinegar.