icing (EN)

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
ice (feʼl)

ot “icing”

sg. icing, pl. icings or uncountable
  1. muzqaymoq (tort yoki pishiriqlar ustiga surtiladigan shirin va qalin aralashma)
    She spread the chocolate icing on the cake with a spatula, making sure it was smooth and even.
  2. uzoq masofadan muzga tashlash (xokkeyda, o'yinchi shaybani qizil chiziqdan va raqibning darvoza chizig'iga tegizmasdan uzoq masofaga tashlaganda sodir bo'ladigan qoidabuzarlik)
    The referee blew the whistle for icing after the defenseman sent the puck down the ice from behind his own blue line.