check (EN)
feʼl, ot, ot, ортиқча гап

feʼl “check”

check; he checks; past checked, part. checked; ger. checking
  1. diqqat bilan ko'zdan kechirish
    Before leaving, she checked her bag to make sure she had her keys.
  2. matn yoki tarjimani to'g'riligini tekshirish
    Before submitting her essay, Sarah checked her work thoroughly.
  3. ma'lumotni ishonchli manba bilan solishtirib tekshirish
    Before submitting your report, check your facts with the information in the library database.
  4. ro'yxatdagi tanlangan, bajarilgan yoki tasdiqlangan bandlarni belgilash
    Before leaving the store, she checked off all the groceries she had put in her cart to ensure she hadn't forgotten anything.
  5. yomon narsani nazorat qilish (yomonlashib ketmasligi uchun)
    The new government will try to check illegal immigration.
  6. shaxsiy buyumlarini (masalan, restoranda bo'lganda) belgilangan joyga qoldirish
    Please check your umbrella at the reception before entering the conference room.
  7. yukni rasmiy shaxsga topshirish (samolyotga yuklanishi uchun)
    Please check your luggage at the hotel's front desk before you head to the airport.
  8. sportda, raqibni bloklash yoki to'sish orqali to'p yoki shayboni qo'lga kiritish
    During the game, the forward checked his opponent against the boards and stole the ball.
  9. pokerda, qo'shimcha pul tikmasdan o'yinda qolish
    Feeling unsure about her hand, Sarah decided to check instead of raising the bet.
  10. shaxmatda, raqibning shohini tahdid qiluvchi yurish
    She checked his king, forcing him into a corner of the chessboard.

ot “check”

sg. check, pl. checks or uncountable
  1. diqqat bilan ko'rish yoki tekshirish
    Before leaving the house, he did a quick check to ensure he had his keys and wallet.
  2. cheklash yoki to'siq
    The speed bump acts as a check on drivers going too fast in the school zone.
  3. shaxmatda, raqibning shohiga qilingan tahdid
    When she moved her bishop, she put his king in check, forcing him to respond immediately.
  4. tanlash yoki tugallashni ko'rsatuvchi belgi
    After reviewing her shopping list, Maria put a small check next to each item she had already placed in her cart.
  5. xizmatlar yoki tovarlar uchun hisob-faktura, ayniqsa restoranda
    After finishing our meal, we asked the server for the check so we could pay.
  6. kontakt sport turlarida, raqibni bloklash yoki o'yindan chiqarish harakati
    During the game, the defender executed a swift check against the forward, preventing a potential goal.

ot “check”

sg. check us, cheque uk, pl. checks us, cheques uk or uncountable
  1. bankka ma'lum miqdorda pul to'lashni buyuruvchi yozma buyruq
    To pay for her new laptop, Sarah handed the cashier a check for $1,200.

ортиқча гап “check”

  1. biror narsa tugatilganini yoki tayyor ekanligini bildirish
    Passport? Check. Tickets? Check. Hotel booking? Check. Looks like we're set for our trip!
  2. restoranda hisobni so'rash
    After finishing their meal, Alex waved to the waiter and said, "Check, please!"