
intermediate (EN)
صفت، اسم، فعل

صفت “intermediate”

بنیادی شکل intermediate (more/most)
  1. درمیانی
    He took an intermediate position on the issue, not fully agreeing with either side.
  2. درمیانی (علمی سطح)
    I took an intermediate English course.

اسم “intermediate”

واحد intermediate، جمع intermediates
  1. درمیانی سطح کا طالب علم
    After a year of lessons, Sarah moved from beginner to intermediate in her Spanish class.
  2. ثالث
    As an intermediate, she helped the two parties reach an agreement.
  3. درمیانے سائز کی گاڑی
    He rented an intermediate for his road trip.
  4. درمیانی (کیمیائی عمل)
    The compounds react to form an intermediate before producing the end result.

فعل “intermediate”

مصدر intermediate; وہ intermediates; ماضی intermediated; ماضی کا سابقہ intermediated; فعل حال intermediating
  1. درمیانجی بننا (کسی عمل یا مذاکرات میں ثالث یا درمیانی کردار ادا کرنا)
    The diplomat intermediated between the two countries to help reach a peace agreement.
  2. درمیانجی بننا (سودے طے کرنا یا مذاکرات کرنا، جیسے کہ ایک دلال)
    Banks intermediate financial transactions between borrowers and lenders.