lýsingarorð “intermediate”
grunnform intermediate (more/most)
- millistig
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
He took an intermediate position on the issue, not fully agreeing with either side.
- miðlungs
I took an intermediate English course.
Nafnorð “intermediate”
eintala intermediate, fleirtala intermediates
- millistigsnemandi
After a year of lessons, Sarah moved from beginner to intermediate in her Spanish class.
- milliliður
As an intermediate, she helped the two parties reach an agreement.
- millistór
He rented an intermediate for his road trip.
- milliefni
The compounds react to form an intermediate before producing the end result.
sögn “intermediate”
nafnháttur intermediate; hann intermediates; þátíð intermediated; lh. þt. intermediated; nhm. intermediating
- Miðla (að starfa sem milligöngumaður eða tengiliður í ferli eða samningaviðræðum)
The diplomat intermediated between the two countries to help reach a peace agreement.
- Miðla (að skipuleggja eða semja um viðskipti, eins og miðlari)
Banks intermediate financial transactions between borrowers and lenders.