forward (EN)
فعل کی تفصیل، صفت، فعل، اسم

فعل کی تفصیل “forward”

forward, forwards
  1. ابتدائی حصے میں
    He decided to sit forward in the boat to get a better view of the dolphins.
  2. ابتدائی حصے کی طرف
    We moved forward in the train because there were fewer people sitting there.
  3. سامنے کی طرف
    She leant forward to protect her skirt from the spaghetti she was eating.
  4. آگے کی طرف
    Once the obstacle was removed, the team marched forward towards their goal.
  5. مستقبل میں
    Moving forward, we'll meet every Monday to discuss our progress.
  6. پہلے کے وقت میں (مستقبل کے برعکس)
    The project deadline was pushed forward from Friday to Wednesday, giving us less time to work.

صفت “forward”

  1. ابتدائی حصے پر واقع
    She always preferred the forward seats in the classroom to hear the lecture better.
  2. دشمن کے قریب موقع پر
    The forward positions were heavily bombarded overnight.
  3. سامنے کی سمت سے متعلق
    He took a few forward steps towards the door, facing it directly.
  4. مستقبل میں ہونے والا
    The company's forward sales projections show a 20% increase over the next year.
  5. معمول سے زیادہ ترقی یافتہ
    The flowers in her garden are forward, blooming weeks earlier than expected.
  6. بے باک یا عام سے زیادہ بے تکلف
    His forward comment during the meeting left everyone in shock.

فعل “forward”

forward; he forwards; past forwarded, part. forwarded; ger. forwarding
  1. کسی دوسرے وصول کنندہ کو بھیجنا
    Can you forward this email to the rest of the team, please?
  2. کسی چیز کو فروغ دینے یا اس کی ترقی میں مدد کرنا
    She forwarded her career by taking on challenging projects.

اسم “forward”

sg. forward, pl. forwards or uncountable
  1. مستقبل کی تاریخ میں کسی اثاثہ کی خرید و فروخت کا معاہدہ، جو فیوچر معاہدوں کی طرح معیاری نہیں ہوتا
    The company entered into a forward with a local farmer to purchase next year's crop at a predetermined price.
  2. رگبی کا کھلاڑی جس کا کردار گیند کا قبضہ حاصل کرنا ہوتا ہے
    During the rugby match, the forwards worked tirelessly to secure the ball for their team.
  3. فٹبال کا کھلاڑی جو حریف کے گول کے قریب پوزیشن میں ہوتا ہے تاکہ گول کر سکے
    The coach decided to substitute a midfielder for a fresh forward to increase the team's chances of scoring in the last few minutes of the game.
  4. آئس ہاکی میں وہ کھلاڑی جو حملہ آور پوزیشنوں میں کھیلتے ہیں
    In ice hockey, forwards are responsible for scoring goals and assisting their teammates.
  5. باسکٹ بال میں وہ پوزیشنز جو گارڈز اور سینٹرز کی اونچائی کے درمیان کھلاڑیوں کے لیے ہوتی ہیں
    During the game, the coach decided to switch Johnson to playing as a forward because of his agility and height.