why (EN)
zarf, isim, ünlem

zarf “why”

  1. neden
    Why did you decide to become a teacher?
  2. neden (gerçek bir cevap beklemeden bir şey önerirken)
    Why don't you take a break?
  3. neden (bir şeyi yapmanın gereksiz olduğunu önerirken)
    Why worry about the rain when we can have fun indoors?
  4. nedeniyle
    He asked why she was crying.

isim “why”

sg. why, pl. whys or uncountable
  1. sebep
    She always asked the whys behind her parents' rules, wanting to understand their reasoning.

ünlem “why”

  1. şaşkınlık, rahatsızlık veya sabırsızlık ifade etmenin modası geçmiş bir yolu
    Why, I had no idea you were coming today!