worked (EN)

Ин калима инчунин метавонад шакли зерин бошад:
work (феъл)

сифат “worked”

worked, non-gradable
  1. сохта ё анҷом дода шуда
    The intricate jewelry was worked with such precision that each detail was a testament to the artisan's skill.
  2. коркард ё рушд ёфта
    The leather was worked until it became soft and pliable, perfect for crafting into a comfortable pair of shoes.
  3. бо нақшу нигор оро дода шуда
    The wedding dress was beautifully worked with pearls and lace, making it a stunning centerpiece of the ceremony.
  4. бо нишон додани раванд ё қадамҳои истифодашуда барои расидан ба он
    The math problem was worked out on the board step by step, so students could follow the teacher's reasoning.