worked (EN)

Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
work (sögn)

lýsingarorð “worked”

worked, non-gradable
  1. unninn
    The intricate jewelry was worked with such precision that each detail was a testament to the artisan's skill.
  2. meðhöndlaður
    The leather was worked until it became soft and pliable, perfect for crafting into a comfortable pair of shoes.
  3. skreyttur (með útskornum eða prjónuðum mynstrum)
    The wedding dress was beautifully worked with pearls and lace, making it a stunning centerpiece of the ceremony.
  4. sýndur með ferli (hvernig eitthvað var gert skref fyrir skref)
    The math problem was worked out on the board step by step, so students could follow the teacher's reasoning.