related (EN)

Ин калима инчунин метавонад шакли зерин бошад:
relate (феъл)

сифат “related”

related, non-gradable
  1. хешованд
    She is related to the mayor; they are cousins.
  2. вобаста (ба идеяҳо ё мафҳумҳо)
    Mathematics and physics are deeply related, as principles from one often apply to the other.
  3. наздик (аз нигоҳи генетикӣ ё рушдӣ)
    Wolves and dogs are closely related animals, sharing a common ancestor.
  4. марбут (ба чизи мушаххас зикршуда)
    The book contains several stress-related health tips.