
related (EN)

Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
relate (sögn)

lýsingarorð “related”

grunnform related, ekki stigbreytanlegt
  1. skyldur
    She is related to the mayor; they are cousins.
  2. tengdur (í merkingu hugmynda eða hugtaka sem hafa tengsl eða líkindi)
    Mathematics and physics are deeply related, as principles from one often apply to the other.
  3. skyldur (í líffræðilegum eða þróunarlegum skilningi)
    Wolves and dogs are closely related animals, sharing a common ancestor.
  4. tengdur (í samhengi við ákveðna hluti sem nefndir eru)
    The book contains several stress-related health tips.