ном маъноӣ “hand”
- дасти инсон
Ба қайд гиред, то тарҷумаҳои ҷумлаҳои намунавӣ ва таърифҳои якзабонаи ҳар як калимаро бинед.
He raised his hand to wave goodbye.
- кӯмак
When I saw her struggling with the heavy boxes, I offered her a hand.
- ақраб (дар соат ё часбон)
The minute hand on the clock was pointing directly at the twelve, indicating it was exactly three o'clock.
- ихтиёр (дар маънои назорат ё моликият)
After the restaurant switched hands, the new owner revamped the entire menu.
- коргар (масалан, дар соҳаи физикӣ)
When the apple orchard became too much for him to manage alone, Mr. Johnson called upon a few local hands to assist with the picking season.
- маллоҳ (аз экипажи киштӣ)
The captain ordered the hands to hoist the sails as the wind picked up.
- картҳо (дар бозии карт)
During the poker game, she glanced at her hand and smiled, holding a royal flush.
- хати даст (услуби навиштан бо қалам ё медад)
Despite the digital age, Mrs. Thompson prided herself on her elegant hand, which charmed anyone who received a handwritten note from her.
феъл “hand”
инфинитив hand; ӯ hands; замони гузашта handed; ҳиссаи гуз. handed; гер. handing
- додан (ба касе чизеро)
As she left the room, she handed her keys to her assistant.