as (EN)
қисми нутқ، пешоянд، ҳамоҳангсоз

Ин калима инчунин метавонад шакли зерин бошад:
A (ном маъноӣ)

қисми нутқ “as”

  1. чунон
    She can't run as fast as you.

пешоянд “as”

  1. чунон ки
    She performed as well as her teammate.
  2. ҳамчун (дар нақши)
    He served as treasurer for the club last year.
  3. ҳамчун (як чиз ҳамчун чизи дигар)
    Use the cloth as a makeshift bandage.

ҳамоҳангсоз “as”

  1. чунон ки (ҳамон тавр ки)
    Sing as the birds do in the morning.
  2. дар бораи он ки
    As to the garden, it flourished so well that we had fresh vegetables all summer.
  3. дар ҳамон вақте ки
    As the clock struck twelve, the fireworks began.
  4. мутобиқ ба тағйирёбии (чизе)
    As the hours passed, the storm intensified.
  5. чунки
    As you were busy, I didn't bother you.
  6. ки (дар маънои рабт додани ҷумлаҳо)
    The book that you need is the same as the one I have.