as (EN)
наречие, алдын ала мүчөлөр, шылтоо

Бул сөз дагы төмөнкүлөрдүн формасы болушу мүмкүн:
A (аталыш сөз)

наречие “as”

  1. чейин
    She can't run as fast as you.

алдын ала мүчөлөр “as”

  1. сендей
    She performed as well as her teammate.
  2. катары (ролунда)
    He served as treasurer for the club last year.
  3. катары (бир нерсени башка нерсе катары)
    Use the cloth as a makeshift bandage.

шылтоо “as”

  1. катары (окшош)
    Sing as the birds do in the morning.
  2. (бир нерсе жөнүндө) кандай
    As to the garden, it flourished so well that we had fresh vegetables all summer.
  3. учурда
    As the clock struck twelve, the fireworks began.
  4. (өзгөрүүгө жараша) катар
    As the hours passed, the storm intensified.
  5. анткени
    As you were busy, I didn't bother you.
  6. (салыштыруучу байланыштык) ким, кайсы
    The book that you need is the same as the one I have.