kiwakilishi “other”
- mwingine
Jisajili ili kuona tafsiri za sentensi za mfano na ufafanuzi wa kila neno kwa lugha moja.
Can you pass me the other plate, please?
- nyingine
I bought a few bottles of beer, but I think we need to buy some other drinks for the party as well.
- wengine
I ate one cookie, and my friend ate all the other cookies.
sifa “other”
msingi other, isiyopimika
- mbadala (kwa maana ya kubadilishana katika mfuatano)
On every other day, I go for a morning run.
- wa tofauti (kwa maana ya kutofautiana na kilichozoeleka)
The customs of the tribe were completely other to what the explorers had known.
nomino “other”
- wa pili (kwa maana ya iliyobaki kati ya mbili)
You take this cookie, and I'll have the other.