other (EN)
aniqlik bildiruvchi, sifat, ot

aniqlik bildiruvchi “other”

  1. boshqa
    Can you pass me the other plate, please?
  2. boshqa
    I bought a few bottles of beer, but I think we need to buy some other drinks for the party as well.
  3. boshqa
    I ate one cookie, and my friend ate all the other cookies.

sifat “other”

other, non-gradable
  1. navbatdagi (navbatma-navbat keladigan ma'noda)
    On every other day, I go for a morning run.
  2. notanish (tanish bo'lmagan yoki ma'lum bo'lgan narsaga o'xshamaydigan ma'noda)
    The customs of the tribe were completely other to what the explorers had known.

ot “other”

other, singular only
  1. qolgan (ikki narsadan qolgan birini anglatuvchi ma'noda)
    You take this cookie, and I'll have the other.