numb (EN)
sifa, kitenzi

sifa “numb”

numb, number, numbest
  1. ganzi
    After sitting on her leg for too long, Jane found it had gone completely numb.
  2. ganzi ya hisia
    After hearing the tragic news, she felt numb and couldn't even cry.

kitenzi “numb”

numb; he numbs; past numbed, part. numbed; ger. numbing
  1. kufanya ganzi
    The cold water quickly numbed my feet, making it hard to walk.
  2. kupoteza uwezo wa kuhisi
    After sitting on the cold bench for an hour, her fingers started to numb, making it hard to type on her phone.
  3. kupunguza nguvu ya hisia
    She listened to loud music to numb her feelings of loneliness.
  4. kupunguza makali ya akili
    The constant drone of the air conditioner eventually numbed me to the sounds of the bustling city outside my window.