Kjo fjalë mund të jetë gjithashtu një formë e:
folje “lay”
infinitiv lay; ai lays; e shkuar laid; pjes. e shkuar laid; ger. laying
- vendos
Regjistrohuni për të parë përkthimet e fjalive shembull dhe përkufizimet njëgjuhëshe të çdo fjale.
She laid the baby in the crib.
- shtron
The workers are laying new tiles in the kitchen.
- bën (vezë)
The chicken laid an egg this morning.
- përgatit
They laid plans to surprise their friend on his birthday.
- vendos (një barrë, taksë, etj.)
The government laid heavy taxes on imported cars.
- vë bast
I'll lay you ten dollars he won't be here on time.
mbiemër “lay”
forma bazë lay, jo-shkallëzueshme
- laik
Lay members of the congregation are invited to participate.
- laik (jo-ekspert)
The scientist tried to explain the concept in lay terms.
emër “lay”
njëjës lay, shumës lays ose të panumërueshme
- renditja
Before starting the project, we need to understand the lay of the land.
- akt seksual
He was hoping for a lay on his holiday.
- partner seksual (rastësor)
She didn't want to be just a lay to him.