parafjalë “behind”
- pas
Regjistrohuni për të parë përkthimet e fjalive shembull dhe përkufizimet njëgjuhëshe të çdo fjale.
She parked her car behind the building.
- prapa (në zhvillim)
Our team is two goals behind the opponents.
- pas (mbështetje)
The community is behind the new park project.
- pas (përgjegjës për)
The police are looking for the person behind the theft.
- pas (i fshehur)
Behind the clouds, the sun was still shining.
mbiemër “behind”
- prapa
She walked ahead while he followed behind.
- pas
He left his bag behind at the restaurant.
- me vonesë
The train is running behind today.
- pas
Let's put the bad memories behind.
mbiemër “behind”
forma bazë behind, jo-shkallëzueshme
- prapa (në nivel)
She is behind with her assignments.
emër “behind”
njëjës behind, shumës behinds
- prapanicë
He slipped on the ice and landed on his behind.