
behind (EN)
predložka, príslovka, prídavné meno, podstatné meno

predložka “behind”

  1. za
    She parked her car behind the building.
  2. za (v pokroku alebo hre)
    Our team is two goals behind the opponents.
  3. za (podporujúci)
    The community is behind the new park project.
  4. za (zodpovedný za)
    The police are looking for the person behind the theft.
  5. za (skrytý)
    Behind the clouds, the sun was still shining.

príslovka “behind”

  1. vzadu
    She walked ahead while he followed behind.
  2. pozadu
    He left his bag behind at the restaurant.
  3. pozadu (oneskorený)
    The train is running behind today.
  4. za sebou
    Let's put the bad memories behind.

prídavné meno “behind”

behind, non-gradable
  1. pozadu (oneskorený)
    She is behind with her assignments.

podstatné meno “behind”

sg. behind, pl. behinds
  1. zadok
    He slipped on the ice and landed on his behind.