
footing (EN)

Ta beseda je lahko tudi oblika:
foot (glagol)

samostalnik “footing”

ednina footing, množina footings ali neštevno
  1. ravnotežje
    She slipped on the ice and lost her footing.
  2. opora
    The hikers searched for secure footing on the steep trail.
  3. (v gradbeništvu) konstrukcijski element, ki prenaša obremenitev stavbe na podlago
    The construction crew poured concrete footings before building the walls.
  4. temelj
    The investment gave the company a strong financial footing.
  5. pogoji (dogovora)
    The two organizations worked together on equal footing to achieve their goals.
  6. (v računovodstvu) skupni seštevek stolpca številk
    The bookkeeper carefully recalculated the footings to ensure accuracy.