
care (EN)
sloveso, podstatné meno

sloveso “care”

care; he cares; past cared, part. cared; ger. caring
  1. zaujímať sa
    Although he pretended not to notice, he really did care about the outcome of the game.
  2. mať rád
    She cares deeply for her best friend and would do anything to help her.
  3. starať sa
    Every day, he cares for his elderly parents, making sure they have everything they need.
  4. chcieť
    Would you care to join us for dinner this evening?

podstatné meno “care”

sg. care, pl. cares or uncountable
  1. starostlivosť
    The nurse provided excellent care to the patients recovering from surgery.
  2. starostlivosť (úsilie)
    The artist painted the portrait with great care, capturing every detail.
  3. obava
    Despite his many cares, he managed to stay cheerful and optimistic.
  4. zodpovednosť (za blaho)
    The priceless artifacts were placed in the care of the museum's curator.