rɪˈɡɑrd US rɪˈɡɑːd UK

regard (EN)
verb, noun

verb “regard”

අනියත regard; ඔහු regards; අතීත කාලය regarded; අතීත කෘදන්තය regarded; කෘදන්තය regarding
  1. බලනවා
    The child regarded the new toy with curiosity and excitement.
  2. සළකනවා
    She regards her grandfather as a hero for his bravery in the war.
  3. සම්බන්ධ වෙනවා
    The new policy regards everyone equally, regardless of their background.

noun “regard”

එකවචන regard, බහුවචන regards හෝ අසංඛ්‍යේය
  1. ගෞරවය
    He has no regard for other people's feelings when he speaks so bluntly.
  2. අදහස (කොනක් හෝ පැත්තක් ලෙස)
    The car's safety features are impressive in every regard.
  3. ආචාර පුරුදු (අවසානයේ සුබ පැතුම් පළ කිරීමේ අර්ථයෙන්)
    Please give my regards to your family when you see them.