writing (EN)

Acest cuvânt poate fi, de asemenea, o formă a:
write (verb)

substantiv “writing”

sg. writing, pl. writings or uncountable
  1. actul de a forma litere sau cuvinte
    She spends her evenings writing in her journal, finding it more therapeutic than any other activity.
  2. sistemul de utilizare a simbolurilor sau literelor pentru a comunica
    Children learn the basics of writing by practicing their ABCs.
  3. un text sau un document
    She handed in her writing, a ten-page essay on climate change, to the professor.
  4. o creație a unui autor
    Her latest writing was a novel set in medieval times.
  5. modul în care apare scrisul de mână al cuiva
    Her writing is so elegant, it looks like calligraphy.