grow (EN)

verb “grow”

grow; he grows; past grew, part. grown; ger. growing
  1. a crește
    The city grows by 10% of its population every year.
  2. a crește (a se maturiza)
    The puppy grew into a strong, loyal dog over the year.
  3. a dezvolta (în contextul de a face ceva să fie mai mare sau mai de succes)
    She spent the summer growing her collection of rare herbs in the garden.
  4. a crește (în contextul plantelor)
    Sunflowers grow in the summer garden.
  5. a cultiva
    She grew a beautiful array of tulips in her front yard.
  6. a deveni (treptat)
    She grew more confident with each public speech she gave.
  7. a începe să facă ceva din ce în ce mai des
    At first, the job seemed difficult, but he grew to appreciate the challenges it presented.
  8. a se perfecționa (în contextul abilităților sau caracteristicilor)
    Over the years, he grew as an artist.