
style (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “style”

singular style, plural styles sau neînumărabil
  1. stil
    His painting style is very distinctive.
  2. eleganță
    She walks with style and confidence.
  3. stil (caracteristic unei perioade, loc sau grup)
    The building was built in the Gothic style.
  4. modă
    Long hair is not quite the style I like.
  5. ghidurile folosite de un editor în ceea ce privește gramatica, punctuația și formatarea
    The editor asked him to follow the magazine's style.
  6. stil (opțiuni de formatare)
    Use heading styles to organize your document.
  7. stil (în botanică, partea unei flori care leagă stigmatul de ovar)
    The pollen tube grows down through the style.
  8. titlu de adresare
    The king's style is "His Majesty".

verb “style”

infinitiv style; el styles; trecut styled; part. trecut styled; ger. styling
  1. a stiliza
    She styled her hair elegantly.
  2. a intitula
    He was styled "Doctor" despite having no degree.