
style (EN)
lietvārds, darbības vārds

lietvārds “style”

vienskaitlis style, daudzskaitlis styles vai neizsakāms
  1. stils
    His painting style is very distinctive.
  2. elegance
    She walks with style and confidence.
  3. stils (arhitektūrā, mākslā, literatūrā)
    The building was built in the Gothic style.
  4. mode
    Long hair is not quite the style I like.
  5. vadlīnijas, ko izdevējs izmanto attiecībā uz gramatiku, pieturzīmēm un formatējumu
    The editor asked him to follow the magazine's style.
  6. stils (datorzinātnē)
    Use heading styles to organize your document.
  7. Stils (botānikā, zieda daļa, kas savieno drīksnu ar sēklotni)
    The pollen tube grows down through the style.
  8. tituls
    The king's style is "His Majesty".

darbības vārds “style”

infinitīvs style; viņš styles; pag. styled; pag. divd. styled; ģer. styling
  1. veidot
    She styled her hair elegantly.
  2. nosaukt
    He was styled "Doctor" despite having no degree.